Pretty CiddyS

To me, to live in a nice city is a privilege . Most of us never come out of the city and almost no one has the luck to have a cabin on the country side. So we all should do our best to make our citys pretty! Here some pictures from different citys in different countrys which are all more or less nice but all of them were very special. Some of my fav places...

The view from the Empire State Building

Greenich Village
NYC everywhere nice pieces, tons of tags and streetart. Its really the ciddy that never sleeps, very much energy nice people, very inspiring but also so much chaos too much noise and everybodys ina rush.

London, Hyde Park. Just have been there once and honestely I dont like London at all. Its too cold, too rainy the girls ALL look shitty and they have this ugly acent.
But Hyde Park is nice...

Bangkok, tons of people, tons of dogs, cats, chickens and rats. Always loud and dirty the air is so bad that you sometimes have problems to breathe proper. But also so beautiful and there are so many small things to discover!

San Francisco, prbly my favorite right behind Rome. Chilled people, I would say theyre almost kinda european.

Discovery Bay, well I fell in love with this place the first time i went there. Its in north California a little more east from Frisco and has like 4000 inhabitants. Every house has water acces in the back yard. Pretty much the paradise on earth.

Open air museum - the elephant has a cold

The Vatikan

Rome, the most beautiful ciddy I have ever seen. Everywhere you go in Rome its beautiful, not just the architecture, the klimate and the culture but also the people are so nice and friendly. All those houses and the palazzos are just too beautiful avery house in Rome has a own history and the spirit in this city is unbelivable. If you have ever been there you know excately why they call Rome the eternal city!

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