Ok, i normally dont listen to mia, simply because i dont like their music too much.
But this track is an outstanding example that exceptions prove the rules.
ive known this track for a long time and it is old but saw a commercial yday with the song in it and fell in love with it again. i was overwhelmed by the choir version
i originally didnt want to post it because it means a lot to me, and i almost cry everytime i hear this track.
its not only the melody but the lyrics which blow me away, very very sad and hopeless.
its about a person who's heart has been broken yet still longs for that person and all the pain that comes with it.

How far do you wanna go ?
And what happens if you go too far ? is there a point were we cant turn around or can we always just give a shit and go back to normal ?

heres the other version performed by the scala choir

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