
ive watched this trendkindathing for like a year, it all started with the victoria shoes i brought from mallorca from my last summer vacation there. victoria is a spanish brand and usually they take like 10€ for the shoes on the market.
back in germany i could watch all kinds of people wearing these shoes and i even saw them here in germany in several shops for 30€ or even more.
a few weeks later there were some other shoes shape like to the victoria shoes- the vans Authentic lo pro CA- theyre hyped by all the fixed gear people around the globe- i got one pair on my own and i have to say that the quality is aaaageeeees better than the victorias- but now NIKE is coming out with a new shoe and BIG SUPRISE it looks very very victoria and vans like,,,,,
there is a trend to nice, comfortable, slim and light weight shoes but do we all have look like the same??

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