Just read an article about graffiti in london at

They say, that the police is testing a new breed of dogs to sniff out graffiti "vandals" in the London train system.
Puppys have been trained to detect and smell chemicales from paint and other staining materials.
BTP Officer DC Joan says that this is a must for the run up to the Olympics, graffiti is vandalism and has to be stopped on the railways.
Anyone caught with sanpaper, paint or even just paint stripper will be arrested and fined right from the spot.
Of course they will take you to the police station give you a full house search and will continue their investigations......

this is like really really stupid, try to cath people who paint graffiti with dogs??
Do i have to be afraid when I walk around London with painted nails? I mean i guess it smell kinda the same huh....
and why in the world would you make such a big weave just to catch some graffiti toys???
fuck there are many more problems the world has like real crime and violence

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