People tend to disslike change because of the new and unknown which will come. Its only natural for a human beeing to be at least skeptical about something new.
They are afraid of new things new people new places and new expierences, even though they dont have any idea if they might like it or maybe even like it better than the old one.

Anyway a friend of mine told me that change is something necessary, there is no other way of development and with consternation I even sometimes caught myself thinking "why isnt it like last year?" or "why should we change something?".
Afraid of everything new I completely forgot my own words about change and how urgent we need that change. Not to know whats coming next might be scary and I can absolutly understand that some people represent the opinion that if everything is alright why should we need something new, but honestly thats bullshit because inonvation is always needed wether it is immediate or not. it is something we cant live without.
Change can hurt but it also frees new chances, new faces, new outstanding personalitys and room for new ideas and concepts. Without change its always the same and who wants to see the same people every and every day and go to the same places, listen to the same music?

Of course its a damn hard way to get rid of old habits, to say good bye to the people you love and care about, to maybe move and start kind of a new life but it is the only way to get rid of the old shit and if youre unhappy with what youre doing at the moment change something, try something new, look at it from a different ankle and you ll feel way better.
So give your best when youre going through a change try new things and dont be too skeptical but more open minded.

2 Kommentare:

VAN T. ZIERMA said...

so was gutes habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gelesen. immer "change" kann auf die dauer aber auch ziemlich anstrengend sein. ausserdem liebe ich meine long time buddys from way back. weiterzugehen heisst ja nicht unbedingt alles zurück zu lassen. mein change für heute: i quit smoking ;)

Charlotte De La Kuhn said...

quit smoking? thats stupid


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