love is one of the most delicate topics you can write about
and goddamn almost every song, every poem and every book is about love. its the main theme. when your heart races you cant do nothing but be happy.
mariah sings about it, whitney sings about it, michael sings about it and even all the pimps in their songs keep talkin about it-
its the thing which keeps us alive- what would we be without love?

my first real love was from california, i guess you all can imagine how complicated it was. i was the happiest person ever on the fuckin planet, i was smiling the whole day, no evil word or thoughts came out of my mouth and i was smiling the whole freakin day. I really loved him more than my life and i would have moved immediately to cali if it would have been possible for at this time.
love hurts and it can be devastating but most of the time it is the best feeling a human beeing is able to feel.
wikipedia tells us that love is a deep connection between two people and there are several kinds of love.
of course there are differences!
i dont feel like the same for my mom like i feel for some boyfriend. but i love em both. anyway
it is kinda hard for me to fall in love but when i fall i fall deep- too deep- and it is 100% the wrong one.
seriously you can bet on it  i got kinda like a nose for the wrong guys and there always problems. most of the time i like the boy but after like 3weeks im always thinking: ooh shit ! hes a fool - you should get rid of him as soon as possible. but sometimes it happends that i like someone who is not interested at me, i know hard to believe but it already happend.
but sometimes i feel lonely, not very often because i like to be free and do whatever i want but there are moments when i envy all the happy couples i see on the streets and in secret i wish i could be like them. happy with their accomplishment.

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