It snows AGAIN!
Went to school today and even thought I wrapped my graceful self in skiunderwear, two sweaters, my big fat Jack Wolfskin parke, my Reebok running shoes and two pairs of socks I freezed my ass off!
Im not excately sure if its just me whos freezing all the time but I guess its jsut too cold.
Now what to wear when its snowing and freezin cold in the ciddy?


The Scarf:
The scarf is an absolutely essential in winter, it keeps your neck warm, protects your decolleté and it even works as an bonnet when its snowing ( like it does right now in Frankfurt).
Doesnt matter if your scarf is H&M or Burberry as long as it is warm.
Pashmina is quite nice I guess and those scarfs are pretty wide so you could also use it as an cape, blanket or whatever you wanna do with it.

The Cap/ Bonnet:
Some people like to wear caps, some dont like it. Whatever you like a cap or bonnet protects your head and keeps it warm. If you decide to wear one choose one which is warm& nice. Nothing is wrose than a terrible cap.

The Underwear:
Forget G-stings and stylish lingerie! Nothing is better than cotton underwear to protect your butt of the cold. Also it is very useful to wear a singlet or just a top under you shirt.
If you really want to be save, but the end of you singlet INTO your underpants. Your nephritics will be happy if ya keep em save and warm! A nephritis is the wrost pain you prbly ever felt.

Tights/ Skiunderwear:
I actually prefer to wear skiunderwear under my jeans cause theyre not that tight like tights.
Even nylontights are working. The principle is pretty easy: between the thights and your skin is air and between the tights and you pants theres also air. This air accumulates a bumper against the cold.

Gloves are not a must but if you have some, wear them! They come in all kinds of material and colors. During the cold weather the hands keep drying-out and nice and well-manicured hands are a must.
Theres a huuuughe difference betweent leather gloves, 1,90€ gloves and snowboard gloves! Leather gloves are nice and expensive if you loose em youll lose a lot of money.
1,90€ gloves are wrack! Invest the two euro into a hot tea of coffee but never never never buy that kinda shit.
now if ya really wanna be on the warm side go and buy snowboard gloves theyre warm, waterproof and also expensive but theyre the best option in my opinion.

Since Im sittin in a office which is not proper heated I wear my running shoes 24/7. They have a thick sole and are at least kinda warm.
Absolutely BEST BEST BEST are Ugg Boots, yes i know theyre ugly as hell and they are soooo out of fashion but hey, they keep your feet warm and who cares what it looks like.
The only problem with the Uggs is that theyre not waterproof.
Another option are leatherboots which are not as warm as Uggs but still alright.
Socks should be made of wool or cotton, I prefer Vans sportsocks which I bought in California, they keep their shape no matter how often theyre washed.

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