
My Dad discoverd our old iMac and put it on, its so much fun to play this game on the old computer - its called Bugdom and I played it like all the time on the old iMac...

My Dad hates Microsoft I dont really know why but because of my dad Im such a hughe Apple fan..ove the years we bought all kinds of stuff such as:

We still got that Beauty and it still runs (1984)
Then after this we bought a G3 and with the G3 we bought one of the first Digital Cameras, it was black and white and you could take like 10 pictures, still runs...

For Christmas my Dad bought my mom and me a pink iMac and then for himself a G4

Of course he needs a notebook so he first bought a G3 Notebook but that was too slow for Daddy ha then there was the iBook in white which he sold not too long ago just to get a new iBook pro...

Oh yea and then we got a iPod mini, cant remember where from but all of a sudden it was there

crashed that one and then for another Christmas we had the new iMac, for my 16th birthday I bought a iPod video which i love veery much but its broke

Its crazy to see how the whole computer scene changed and how the computers changed! I mean my dad bought the 1984 Apple before I was born and now Im writing my blog on my iMac.

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