The Neighbours

How much do you know about your neighburs? Well, I never really had problems with my neighbours just once the old couple who lives nxt door came up to me and told me I should remove all the paint stains I made in our drive way. Even though these two old people scared the crap out of me I never cleaned up. My Neighbours who lived across the street were pretty interesting. I kinda observed them every time I was somkeing a cigarette on my window, they moved four weeks ago and the people who moved into the flat are damn boring.
I guess I was just too busy to notice that there like 10 people who moved in our house! I was wondering why our hallway smells so strange all the time and yesterday I saw a Asian women coming out of the flat under mine. Dont get me wrong I love asian food and I like Asians but I DONT LIKE WHAT IT SMELLS LIKE WHEN THEYRE COOKING ALL DAY LONG!
Just saw her once but Its kinda hard when you come home at 7 in the morning and youre still kinda tipsy and you have this funny feeling in the stomach and you smell this disgusting smell of offal or whatever this crazy women cooks.
Oh and one floor above us theres a big living community, first they were just two but know I see peole who I have never seen steppin into my house or coming out. I have to confess that I sometimes party too hard and 6 in the morning is pretty early for me to go home but at half past six theyre all coming home, and theyre all drunk, and theyre loud... I just hate all of my neighbours at moment, but have to deal with em.
Maybe I should all inve them to a litle xmas party?! We'll see I keep you updated.

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