
Woke up this morning and even though the heating was on I was freezing like a little pig. then i took a look outside and saw all the frost. The next step was to check the weather online. Figuerd out that its right under the freezing point. Shit, hate this fucking cold, grey, dirty, wet winter!
BUT i have like the best Parka ine could ask for:


The oldest outdoor clothing company in the world, Woolrich was started in 1830 when John Rich opened his first wool factory near Philadelphia.
Initially delivering woollen fabrics, socks and yarn to logging camps on the back of a mule cart, by the 1850s he was producing a full range of outdoor wear in the famous red and black Woolrich check.
In 1972 they released the Original Arctic Parka, which instantly became the benchmark against which all other down parkas are judged. It's lightweight which means you can wear it around town and looks as good over a suit as more casual attire. And it insulates until -40 c (!!!)
They are hella expensive but if you frezze all the time like me and spend a lot of time outside go get an ARTIC PARKER

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