after the first christmas eve ever without any fighting or arguing, spend this 1st holiday with my grandma, she live in a retirement home, the people there are all crazy but funny as hell. Back home finally rode my bike even though its still kinda broken, gonna fix that soon cause riding this bike became so much fun and so important to me and it means to be independent and mobile no matter what time it is. Cant wait to ride my self-made-bike! Now Im sittin in this Irsihpub// bar at Altsax, had dinner at Pizza petro with my marroc-friend and Im drinkin my ultimate favorite/summer/vacation/mallorca drink! Its called redshit -LOVE IT!! Typical girly drink!
Heres what you need:
- A Guinness pint
( Ya REALLY NEED IT! otherwise it wont taste real!!)
- lots of ice
- Red Bull - about 3/4 of a can
- wodka - as much as you like
- grenadine sirup - about 6 tablespoons
- clear peach liquer - as much as you like but really sweet so dont use too much
put it all together in the pint / mix it well with a spoon nd enjoy

Ive recognized that christmas doesnt necessarily means to fight with your family and to be in a shitty mood.
Lookin fwd 2 nxt year cause I have a certain feeling that its gonna be a awesome and full of adventures!!

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