
Well, I went to this Murakami exhibition a few weeks ago, were in Frankfurt have the luck that its his first exhibition in Europe. I was blown away by all the colour and the shapes. I just knew him because he did this colaboration with Louis Vuitton and I have seen the Kanye West video. Murakami is one of most sucsessfull artists in the world. He has his own Company and he designs everything you can imagine Stickers, Shirts, Toys and a lot more... Most of his stuff has to do with his animee characters Kiki and Kaikai. Despite of Kiki and Kaikai there are the jellyfish eyes and the typical Luis Vuitton Flowers which he uses in almost every picture. This is where I thought shit, he uses his art to make money- a hell of a lot money! Of course its not bad to earn money with your art and everybody who does so should feel lucky cause most artists are poor and earn just enough money to survive but when I see all those hyped super new hot artist, it doesnt matter if they make music, fashion or if they paint, I see that they sold their ass!! Art should be something personal and if other people think that youve done a great job and pay you for that what you love to do thats the best but if you make just art because you want to be in the center of attention or to earn money those are def the wrong reasons. And I know so many great people who make so nice art but theyre all poor as hell and on the end of the month all they have to eat is cereals and long-live-milk.

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