This Pre-Christmas Stress

Ever been in a mall or some shopping place in this almost-christmas-time? No? Youre Lucky! Frankfurt is full of those stupid village people who come once a year to do christmas shopping go to the Weihnachtsmarkt. Most of them are fat, ugly, dont know where they wanna go and just way too slow for someone like me. When I go to the Zeil or a Shooping center I know where to go and I try to do as fast as I can but these people just keeps standing in my way. EVERYWHERE! Doenst matter if I take the U-Bahn or the S-Bahn and even the Straßenbahn is full of them. Some of them are drunk cause they drunk too much Glühwein, some of them stink and there was a old Lady who was talking to my dog, very very strange...
I try to stay away from the places where this crazy town//suburbs//village people hang out but the ciddy is full of them!
watch out for them they might be dangerous!!

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